Titilating Teachers, Salacious Students, And A Whole Lot Of Sex Ed.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Teacher Helps Injured Football Star Recover From His Injuries... With Sex

Jennifer Lee Riojas, 25, is a 9th-grade teacher at Forth Worth High School. Or was, a ninth-grade teacher. Until she allegedly had sex with a 16 year old boy, while he recuperated in the hospital for football-related injuries.

According to documents uncovered by The Smoking Gun:

"The teen told cops that “once he got to know” Riojas, she would attend his football games and he “would spend his lunch period” in her classroom."

 "After the student was injured last December during a game, Riojas visited him at Fort Worth Hospital. There, the boy told detectives, “they engaged in sexual intercourse” in his hospital bed.
Subsequent sexual encounters occurred at local hotels, the victim recalled, adding that Riojas used a discount coupon when paying for one room."

Well, at least she taught the boy the meaning of thrift.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Band Teacher Makes Sweet Music With Student

31-year old Carlie Attebury allegedly taught more than just music at a high school in the OC. If she didn't want to get caught, she probably shouldn't have wrapped her legs around her 15-year-old lover in the bleachers of a high school basketball game.